Monday, October 30, 2006


I just found out that our super cool pastor, formerly from Long Beach, CA, is leaving to pastor a church in Montana!
His last sermon at our church will be in mid-November. God bless him and his family. That will be rough, he's got teenage daughters... that is a difficult age to move and such.

And God bless our church. What an upheaval. I don't know how Foursquare churches handle these transitions.... When I became a born again Christian, my first church was Presbyterian. I really loved my then-pastor. He was awesome! But he left the church to become a chaplain in a hospital. My church then went through so many pastors like every few years. Sometimes we had "visiting" pastors, and I did not like that. I hope that our church, here, will find a good pastor quickly.

Well, I have been in a funk lately, maybe I am starting to feel homesick. I read somewhere that the international VT students usually start feeling homesick around October. Since I didn't feel it in earlly October I thought that I had surely been spared. But yesterday when I spoke with my friend, Michele, she nailed it. When I told her I had been in a funk, she asked if I was homesick. It had not occured to me that that is what I was feeling. I thought it was just the cold weather or boredom. But she nailed it. Cause when she said "homesick" I choked. So... there, it is out. Jessica is missing CA. Thankfully Shane is doing quite well. He says he does not miss CA. At least, not like I do. That's good. It would be bad if both of us felt the same way.

Next weekend we are going to Virginia Beach. I am excited to be venturing out.... especially cause they have a Trader Joe's!!!!!! Yay!.. either there is one there, or near there.. whichever... I am HAPPY HaAPPY, HAppy, excited to go to Trader Joe's. I have not written up my grocery list,... but I will!!! yay!! happy, happy, joy, joy!!! I am giddy excited....

Another exciting part of the journey will be seeing my sister-n-law, Natalie and her husband, Chris!!! they are currently travelling through this region and will be in Virginia Beach the same weekend. How cool is that?!!! God is so great! The timing is just perfect. I really needed a lift, and thinking about these things has brought a smile to my face. I am looking forward to this weekend. The only sad thing is having to leave Chispita. Unlike back home we don't have anyone to doggysit for us. So, we have to put her in a doggy kennel/boarding place...

So anyway.. happy weekend ahead... happy, happy, joy, joy... :) :D :)


Blogger shane said...

Although I'm not feeling homesick, I understand what a big deal moving away from friends is, no matter where the place you're moving to, or how highly ranked it is among places to live.

When you move away, it's a reminder that technology may provide us a 'global village', but the village doesn't feel so small when people are thousands of miles away.

2:12 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger kika said...

Hi John,
Actually I do have a couple of things that I do during the week. I attend a women's Bible study and an international women's group on Wed and Thur mornings. And Shane and I attend a home group Bible study, a Spanish class and a dance class on Tues, Wed, and Thur evenings... all of which while in my "funk" I did not particularly felt like doing... so last week I only attended the home group with Shane and ditched the rest. I think I really like the homegroup because we seem to have established friendships there, whereas in my morninig groups I am still getting to know the women and it's still awkward. I just didn't feel up for it.

4:10 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger kika said...

grammar correction

"all of which while in my "funk" I did not particularly felt like doing"

I did not "feel" like doing...

4:12 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger kika said...

So, with that said... I think I just need to give myself more time and energy to get to know people better. And then this will be "home" to me.

4:35 PM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. It takes time to settle into a place, and from my experience in adjusting to a new place (high school, Pasadena, Ann Arbor), the first year is always the most akward and challenging for me. It takes time to develop history and relationship.

I think the time that you feel that you are in a funk is especially the time that you have to force youself to go and do the things that you know is good for you. I am equally guilty of hiding in my shell, but I say, let the funk turn into funky music!

Take care, and I hope the Rosses will find many pleasant surprises in and around Blacksburg.


9:19 AM, November 02, 2006  
Blogger Jenny said...

Jessica - I totally understand what you're going through. Wish I could be there to help bring at least a vague rememberance of home. I will pray for you.

8:53 AM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger kika said...

Thank you both, Jenny and John, for your words of encouragement. I really appreciate it.

4:44 PM, November 06, 2006  

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