Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm going to Boston, Ann Arbor, and Europe

The first two in June. I'll be in Boston for mere three days, let's say June 14-16. And then I'll try to be in Ann Arbor Michigan from, say, June 20-24. If you are near those two places, we should get together. And if you're one of those people letting me stay with you, let me say THANKS. And I OWE YOU a BEER or something.

Later, in August, I'm going to Europe for a conference, but will use it as a springboard for a vacation with Jessica. It will be her first time in Europe, monolithic Europe. We'll have about two weeks and we'll start and end in Frankfurt, Germany, because my conference is near there. As to where to go next, I've thought of Paris, or let's say France generally. Also Basque country in Spain to visit the ancestral home of the Lozoyas. I know people in Barcelona, so maybe we could go there. I've never been to Madrid, but that might be cool. Italy is a place I don't easily get tired of.

But then there's also eastern Europe... we should consider there, right? Or maybe Switzerland since it borders Germany? I've never been to Switzerland, but I hear they are heavily armed.


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