Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Purty cool...

We've been to two of the new seven wonders of the world...

Chichen Itza
- summer in 2003.

The Roman Colosseum
- summer 2005

* finalists*

The Eiffel Tower
- summer 2005
The Statue of Liberty- Jan 2007

Of the "wonders" and finalists I'd like to visit someday:

The Great Wall

Machu Picchu

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Easter Island Moais

Angkor Wat

And just for the sound of it-



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your site by accident when researching michu picchu, the hopeful destination of our upcoming honeymoon. At the age of 54 I have developed a genuine interest in the meaning of life and the history of the universe, which brought us to this point. Its refreshing to read the points of view of others who have comparable insight. You took the words right out of my mouth.

8:24 AM, January 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the Taj Mahal? Don't you wanna visit that sometime? Don't see that on your list ;)

I have been there and it is just AMAZING!

Another web-surfer googling for Machu Picchu

11:52 AM, April 15, 2008  

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