Monday, July 30, 2007

What happened to my fireflies?

It is so sad. One of my favorite things about B-burg is (are?) the fireflies. It seems like there aren't that many anymore. I wonder if all the rains that happened last week drowned them? I've seen a few here and there, but not the masses that I fell in love with. So sad.

Well my gardens are doing alright. The zucchini plants got some weird fungus that has thrashed the leaves, so now the plants don't look so happy and healthy. The zucchinis are not affected- they are still growing all big and stuff. But at some point I expect the plant will just shrivel up and die. That is what the one in the containers appears to be doing.

The tomato plants have lots and lots of little tomatoes. Unfortunately, they aren't ripe yet. I am afraid they will all be ripe at the same time and it will be too hard to eat them all up. Kinda like the zucchinis and cucumbers. Even thought my friend and I split the harvest- we can't seem to consume them fast enough! So, I kinda fear the coming cherry tomato explosion. My jalapenos are doing well. I still have not had my first harvest yet. I am waiting for them to grow a little more. Although, they look so appetizing already!

My cilantro grew up already. It is flowering so for now I am just letting it be a pretty plant. I planted more cilantro, so I expect to enjoy some soon. The basil, it is doing better at the garden patch than it is doing in the containers. I think the shade from the tomato plants stunted its growth. The ones at the patch are very lush and bushy. Nice. So, I don't mind so much about the ones in the containers. What I need is a good pesto recipe. By good, I mean "easy."

So that was the latest on the gardens. I would post some pictures but Shane took the camera with him on his "business" trip. I miss him. All I have is the little Chispita and my plants to keep me company. Okay, not really. I have hung out with some friends. One in particular has been around everyday. Her husband, also a professor, left on a biz trip on Sunday. She is the same person that I garden with.

On Saturday and every night since then we've gone on evening walks. Last night, after our walk, we enjoyed some fresh pineapple and tea at my house. Tonight, I went to her place and she served me some homemade yogurt with cucumber (from our garden). It was yummy and refreshing. I really enjoy her company. I am so glad for it.

Well, I guess that is enough for tonight. Good night.


Blogger shane said...

No more lightnin' bugs?? I wonder where they went?

6:00 PM, July 31, 2007  
Blogger Jenny said...

Maybe the fireflies have left for the season?

Also, I'm glad that you have friends to hang out with while Shane is away!!

12:42 PM, August 03, 2007  
Blogger kika said...

I don't think they are. I say that because I remember enjoying them for a good month after we arrived last summer. So they should be here till September. Oh well. I have seen a few, but not in the same numbers as before.

3:44 PM, August 03, 2007  

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