Responding to Iraq
How do we respond to what's been happening in Iraq? I've felt anger, resoluteness, responsibility, joy, uncertainty, anxiety, and respect for those willing to sacrifice their lives for principles they believe in.
How does God respond? I doubt he is anxious or uncertain. Is he angry? He holds the authorities accountable, and Paul said he's the one who gives worldly authorities their power. He will judge them according to why they waged this war. And only God knows if the war is truly just, since his is the the standard of justice. I believe he sees into the heart of every soldier and judges them individually, independent of why the war was waged.
As a son of Abraham, I am called to be part of the blessing to all nations, the seasoning which can make life bearable in difficult circumstances. So the war has made me think about my role in God's plan of reaching the nations with blessing, with the Good News of Jesus. One way to play a role is to reach out in generosity to neighbors. Another is to give to foreign aid to places, like Iraq, which need resources right now to maintain health and stability. Another way is to go to a foreign country and give my time and person. And preceding all these things would be prayer.
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