Life in all its fullness
"The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness" - Jesus (John 10:10)
God wants us to have live overflowing, above the ordinary, beyond the sufficient. As I give my total self to him, he says he will give his total self to me. This means the real possibility of health for my total being (body, mind, emotions, relationships), and material needs being met. Above all, there is the promise of eternal life.
Jesus said he came to give life, not just ordinary existence, but life in all its fullness and abundance. On the other hand, the Enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. The line is clearly drawn. On one side is God with goodness, life, and plenty of all that is necessary for life, and on the other side is the archenemy of our souls, who comes to rob us of God's blessings, to oppress our bodies through disease and accidents, and to destroy everything that we love and hold dear. I've got to believe that God's highest desire for me is this life Jesus came to give. What else is worth having?
Jesus the Messiah here declares his intention to recover and restore to man what was the Father's intent and to break and block the Enemy's intent to hinder our receiving it. He comes in defense of life, and life beyond what we can imagine. By his words and actions, he opposed any thing, force, or person that might diminish life as he wanted it. Likewise, he calls us to do everything within our power to preserve and enhance the lives of those around us. In addition to spreading his good news of redemption, we are to work to reduce poverty, disease, hunger, injustice, and ignorance.
Jesus opened a new dimension of life for all mankind. As Paul says in 2 Cor 5:17, "When anyone is united to Christ, there is a new world; the old order has gone, and a new order has already begun" (NEB). Or as other translations have it, "When anyone is united to Christ, he is a new creature: his old life is over; a new life has already begun."
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