Tuesday, October 04, 2005

temperature and fanmail

Jessica got me a temperature gauge and I've been nerding out with it around the house.

  • taking temperature readings of different rooms during the day and night
  • measuring the temp difference between the middle of a room and an open window (can be pretty high, like 10 degrees F or so)
  • temp difference from floor to ceiling (the floor's about 4 deg cooler)
  • temp under Chispita as she sits on the sofa (about 88 F)

    All this is going into a master theory of when to close and open the windows to get a desired temperature change in the house. For instance, the house is about 72 F right now. Outside, it's 67 F. When the rising temp outside equals the temp inside, I figure I should close all the windows, because I won't be cooling the house off anymore. Note that we don't use big huge fans to blow air in or out of windows. If we did, I could probably cool the house down (or heat it up) faster. If you have a theory on this matter, let me know.

    Speaking of which...

    In other news, I've been getting some pretty weird fanmail because of a press release on the National Science Foundation webpage regarding my work on a hidden unity between the heavens and the atom. Sometime, I should post some fanmail highlights.


    Blogger t said...

    bed in the middle of the room, and not near any external walls - makes a BIG difference.

    8:16 PM, November 09, 2005  

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