Tuesday, April 24, 2007

kika's response to an email...

> I was thinking about you last night. How are things in your area?
With school starting up again, yesterday, it seems like things are starting to get back to normal. People are wanting to get back to normal. Last week was difficult, because schools were closed for the week. I am talking- all schools. So lots of families were dealing with kids being home. There were lots of different events all over town- memorials, near and in the university campus. Orange and maroon ribbons decorate everything... there were so many media people everywhere...

> Did Shane know this student that went on this killing spree?

> Did he know any of the students injured or killed?

> I knowyou said that he knew two of the faculty that were killed and one that was injured.
> What is the atmosphere like over there these days?
It has gradually improved. People still talk about stuff... everyone you meet always asks "how are you? did you know anyone of the victims? were you on campus that day?"

> Where you able to visit the students in the hospital like you had intended to do?
No. The hospitals were limiting visits to family members only. But we heard that lots of friends and VT students were hanging out at the hospitals already so we didn't end up going.

> How many students were injured? Over here the media keeps talking about the 32/33 murdered
>individuals but do not say much about the injured and how many there were.
There were 32 victims and if you include the shooter, there was a total of 33 dead. I believe there were at least 15 others injured. Not all shot. Some broke bones from having jumped out of windows- 2 stories.

> This kid was so disturbed, I hope he repented what he did before he died.
I doubt it. Check out this article. It;s kinda long, but I really appreciate how it is very well written and gives a really good picture as to what occured that day. Go here.

> How are you?
I am okay. I have mixed emotions. Sometimes I am overcome with sadness for the families affected. Other times I feel like an eavesdropper. Basically we have not been here long enough to really feel part of the whole Hokie Nation.... so it's kinda awkward to be part of this. It's kinda like an initiation to this university family. Not what people would like to go through, but if we didn't feel like we were part of this before, we sure do now. At the convocation and at the Vigil- it was something I'll never forget. The cry of the Hokie Nation- "let's go Hokies!" At the convocation this was recited- and it was amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:11 PM, April 24, 2007  
Blogger shane said...

FYI to me and all in Blacksburg-Christiansburg: We can go to $1 days at the New River Valley Stadium 14 cinema during Monday, Apr 30 to Wednesday, May 2 to support charity.

1:24 PM, April 27, 2007  

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