Thursday, January 11, 2007

New York City Double-O Seven

Screaming at Times Square

Late Nite but No David Letterman :(

Jessica in surreal urban landscape

Great lipstick shot dwarfing Statue of Liberty

Weird Jesus puppets

City seen through hole in ground

Central park


Blogger Jenny said...

Are you two in NY? If so, we should get together!

Where are those funky Jesus people?

4:27 PM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger kika said...

We were there the first week of 2007. We were only there four days. That picture was taken at some cathedral near Central Park. I already forgot its name. But it suffered damage from a fire not too long ago and it is undergoing some reconstruction. There were some chapels or chamber like things behind the altar area with different Christmas displays. This was one of them. I thought they were creepy and its funny that the picture made my eyes white like the Jesus one...
We would love to come out again. I had a fun time. Hopefully we can plan a visit in which we all can meet up there...

5:17 PM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger Jenny said...

Yeah, that would be super fun! It looks like you two had a great time!

9:33 PM, January 15, 2007  

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