Friday, June 15, 2007

Some of my plants...

These all didn't make it to the garden patch because there were just too many. So, I just planted them as back up in case the rabbits or other animals attacked the garden patch.

My zucchini is starting to "bloom".

My cilantro is still kinda wimpy. I am not sure exactly how to harvest it?? If I cut some stems, will it grow back? I don't know.

In the left bucket there are two small cherry tomato plants growing in the center. They are surrounded by basil. In the right bucket I am growing jalapenos. Perhaps there are too many in one pot. I've gotta go get more pots.



Blogger kika said...

3:04 PM, June 15, 2007  
Blogger kika said...

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6:40 PM, June 15, 2007  
Blogger Adam said...

Jessica, Nice Plants! Michelle and I have a container garden on our porch this year. We are growing various flowers, herbs (basil, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, oregano, mint) and some veggies (Tomatoes, cucumber, jalapeno, bell pepper)

When you want cilantro just cut some off, it'll keep growing. Ours didn't do to great, it went to seed WAY to fast in the hot weather.

You'll definitely need more room in those pots for the plants to grow to their full potential. We planted our seedlings in containers that were small to start and they quickly out grew their little pots. But the thing I've found is you'll quickly be able to tell if they are happy or not. Make sure those buckets have holes in the bottoms so that the excess water can drain out or else you'll get root rot.

7:38 PM, June 15, 2007  
Blogger kika said...

Hi Adam,
Its been fun growing these plants. I check on them nearly everyday at least once. I am so fascinated by them.
If you scroll down a bit, you'll see them when they were just a bunch of seedlings. Its funny that when I replanted my basil into these bigger containers I had new seedlings pop up. I read somewhere that you can plant the basil around the tomatoes. They make good company. But you are right, it is taking them a while to grow up. As for the jalapenos, I didn't think they would all survive... yet they have all hung in there. So this week I have been removing them, a few at a time from the bucket, and replanting them in the garden patch I have over at my friend's house. The last two buckets hold cucumbers and zucchinis. What's funny about them is that they were the "runts" of my batch of seedlings. I only repotted them here to see what would happen, and now they are even bigger than the ones I planted in the garden patch. No fear about rootrot. I drilled the holes myself. All my plants drain well. They better, especially with the rain we've been having.
Now the hard part is waiting to harvest! I want my homegrown jalapenos and tomatoes, already! Good luck with yours!

9:58 PM, June 15, 2007  
Blogger Jenny said...

Wow, I'm so envious! I'd love to sample some fresh veggies and herbs...maybe I can work on planting some stuff.

10:06 PM, June 15, 2007  

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