Cool world! We saw run lola run and it made me decide never to use punctuation ever again hehe jus kiddin ill still use correct speling wen kneaded. u r ok? c u l8rz r0dent d00d
Yes, I concur. r0dent dood, liked it more than I did, because it was "zany"... I think they just ran out of story so they decided to give it different endings to make it interesting. They must've saved lots of $$ by not having to use too much film with all that replaying the same scenes over and over again. kika
I thought Run Lola Run was just ok.
Yes, I concur. r0dent dood, liked it more than I did, because it was "zany"... I think they just ran out of story so they decided to give it different endings to make it interesting. They must've saved lots of $$ by not having to use too much film with all that replaying the same scenes over and over again.
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