Jenny apparently wasn't too impressed with the NOVA special on Einstein. And who could blame her.
As I always say, if you can't explain 4 and 10 dimensional universes to the person on the street, you probably don't understand them yourself. When will the so-called "experts" learn? Way to make science opaque, NOVA! How can they hope to demystify Einstein's discoveries for the general public by recruiting the help of specialists who specialize in speaking wacked-out lingo to other specialists?
Jenny suggested I could do a better job and should go get myself an agent. There's a niche that needs filling. One who can stand in the gap and interpret scientific discoveries to an eager, but attention deficient public.
Now is the time to strike for the big time, what with all this publicity about being a specialist in atomic physics, an engineer, rocket scientist, and ... well, whatever it is I am.
I should get a leather jacket and play up the bad boy "chaotician" image like that guy in the Jurassic park movie.
I could call my show "Science with Attitude" and drive my Harley through delicate large-scale physics experiments while explaining all the latest weirdness about "dark energy," killer robots, flying cars, time travel, and whatever-inos to the layperson. In fact, I could go on a quest to find and slay the dark energy with the help of killer robots. Yeah, man!
Other segments could include me going to big science conferences and asking basic questions to see if the scientists really know what they're doing. I could also drive into Your Town, USA and ask the folks how they are coping with the latest findings about cosmic ray bursts, etc.